We’re excited about offering this workshop
For many years we have been interested in learning more about what our existence is like after physical death and have found that studies and personal accounts of near-death experiences (NDEs) offer valuable and intriguing insights. We have sought to better understand these fascinating and increasingly common human experiences by reading extensively and by listening to first-hand accounts. Over the years we came to view death as a shedding of the physical body and a shift in consciousness, a transition to an expanded state of awareness. An NDE also allows a person to access expanded states of consciousness—often a life-transforming event—and then return to the physical body to share his/her experiences with those who have open hearts and minds.
During many week-long programs at The Monroe Institute, we have had the opportunity to speak with Eben Alexander, M.D., (Proof of Heaven), Natalie Sudman (Application of Impossible Things), and other NDErs who maintain that Hemi-Sync® audio technology enables them (and others) to access these same expanded states without being critically ill or injured. We received personal confirmation of this from our own experiences at The Monroe Institute, which included profoundly moving interactions with deceased loved ones as well as with individuals we had not known before.
Just after we had begun thinking of designing a workshop on the NDE experience which would use Hemi-Sync®, two things occurred which seemed to confirm unambiguously that we were to proceed with our idea. First, shared NDEr Scott Taylor developed a Hemi-Sync® CD album with Monroe Products entitled Into The Light with Hemi-Sync: Near-Death Experience Meditations which is based upon the analysis of more than 6,000 case studies of NDEs, shared/empathetic NDEs and NDE-like experiences. And second, we suddenly began to receive inquiries from visitors to our website who wanted to know if we offered an NDE workshop. We immediately began enthusiastically to create the new workshop. Our experiential Into the Light workshop includes the four beautifully crafted Hemi-Sync® exercises from Scott’s album as well as short presentations, video clips, and discussions. We are really pleased to be able to offer this workshop for those who wish to explore these expanded states of consciousness for themselves.
The Into the Light Workshop
In the workshop you will:
- Have opportunities using Hemi-Sync® technology to safely and easily experience expanded states of consciousness associated with the near-death state
- Experience and understand the near-death state as a shift in consciousness
- Have more positive feelings regarding your own death and that of others
- Be able to better understand and support someone who has had a near-death experience
These carefully guided Hemi-Sync® exercises are based on the research of pleasant, Western near-death experiences and incorporate the common elements reported by NDErs, including, among others:
- Leaving your physical body
- Meeting a guide for assistance
- Traveling down the tunnel
- Encountering the white Light
- Visiting a peaceful meadow
- Reuniting with those that have passed before you
- Experiencing a life review
- Exploring a city of light and centers of learning, healing, etc.
- Visiting a realm of infinite and unmanifested potential
- Returning
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Are there any prerequisites for Into the Light?
A: You will derive the greatest benefit from the workshop if you already accept that you are far more than your physical body.
Q: What are the benefits of this workshop?
A: Each person realizes different benefits, but some common ones are:
- Deep physical and mental relaxation
- Opportunities to personally experience expanded states of consciousness
- Understanding death and NDEs as shifts in states of consciousness
- Less anxiety about death and the afterlife
- An opportunity to talk freely about death and related topics
- Greater awareness of what NDErs have experienced and how to support them
- Receiving personal insights and guidance
- A feeling of peace, love, and joy during the Hemi-Sync® exercises
- Interacting with a loved one who has already transitioned
- Better understanding of one’s life on Earth
- Greater awareness of the non-physical Self
Q: Won’t I feel kind of depressed after a 1-day workshop on NDEs?
A: We have found the opposite to be true. At the end of the workshop, participants tend to feel relaxed, calm, and rejuvenated. They have more positive feelings about their own eventual transition and use words such as “comfort” and “relief.”
Q: Is there any chance I would have an actual NDE?
A: No. You may experience elements of an NDE or a near-death-like experience, but your body will be profoundly relaxed, peaceful, and secure.
Q: Is there any possibility I won’t return?
A: No. You are in complete control whenever you are using Hemi-Sync® and can stop at any time if you wish.
Q: I had an NDE several years ago. Would this workshop be appropriate for me?
A: The Into the Light workshop is designed specifically for those who have not experienced an NDE; however, NDErs are welcome to join us and will find themselves in a supportive environment with people interested in hearing whatever they choose to relate about their own experiences.
Q: Would this workshop help me to support my sister who seems to still be processing her own NDE?
A: Yes. You will most likely better understand your sister’s experience and the impact it has had on her. The fact that you took Into the Light would indicate your sincere interest in the subject.
Q: Is there any religious aspect to this workshop?
A: No. The subject is handled as objectively as possible, and participants are encouraged to be open to their own unique experiences during the Hemi-Sync® exercises and then to interpret them in whatever way is meaningful for them.
Scott Taylor

In the booklet accompanying Into The Light with Hemi-Sync: Near-Death Experience Meditations CDs, Scott Taylor describes his experience and how he came to develop the CDs:
“I was in love with Mary Fran and her son Nolan. In 1981 they were involved in a horrific car accident that killed Mary Fran and left Nolan mortally wounded. Five days later, I was bedside when Nolan, age 7, made his transition.
When he left his physical body for the last time, Mary Fran crossed the divide between the nonphysical and physical worlds and helped him out of his body. Their reunion embrace was exquisite. Then, to my surprise, they turned and included me in their embrace. Together, we went to the light. Although I didn’t know it then, I'd just had a shared near-death experience (NDE).
I know of no English words that capture the combination of joy, ecstasy, love, and requited longing that burned within me. It carried me to a dimension I never knew existed. In that moment, there was no pain or loss... only unity, rapture and reunion.
I began searching. What was that? This experience is certainly not discussed in the traditional church I grew up in. Who knows about this? How do I touch that space again?
Fast forward to 1983. I attended The Monroe Institute's Gateway Voyage program. Bob Monroe's technology, Hemi-Sync®, allowed me to have similar and more varied experiences by design, replicable and under my control. The only dogma Bob requested we consider is that ‘we are more than our physical body.’
Two years later I became a facilitator for TMI. My role was assisting others in discovering/remembering the myriad states of consciousness that are our birthright.

Into The Light with Hemi-Sync® is a natural extension of my interest in near-death and near-death-Iike experiences, my high regard for the effectiveness of the Hemi-Sync® technology, and my genuine desire to help you explore the nonphysical world safely and effectively. It offers a path into states of being we are destined to explore.”
What Are Into The Light Participants Saying?

“The Into the Light workshop was both relaxing and meaningful. Ellen and Tip provide a wonderful, warm atmosphere to explore our states of consciousness. Their positive energy and gentle guidance help workshop participants feel comfortable and safe. It was great to be with other people who are interested in our transition from life to afterlife — a very comforting experience.”
— Karin Grosshans
“Thanks for the awesome workshop. Very powerful... I feel blessed and want to tell how much I appreciate what you do.”
— Dorrie Ditton
“I very much enjoyed the Into the Light workshop facilitated by Ellen and Tip. I had been guided to attend with a specific question to be answered. I received a very clear answer during the second exercise. As a result of this insight, I have been able to correct a major imbalance in my life. I highly recommend this workshop for those seeking general knowledge and/or individual insights.”
— Janet
What Is a Near-Death Experience?
A near-death experience (NDE) is a profound psychological event that may occur to a person close to death, while clinically dead, or in a life-threatening situation. Because an NDE includes transcendental and mystical elements, it is considered to be an “exceptional human experience,” one whose impact can be powerful and life-transforming.
A shared/empathetic death experience (SDE) is a spiritually transformative experience whereby a loved one shares a dying person’s initial transition from the physical to the non-physical world. The core elements are similar to those of an NDE, and different sets of elements may occur in a single experience.
A near-death-like experience (NDLE) is the NDE phenomenon experienced by a person in an emotionally intense situation, while praying or meditating, while sleeping, or in ordinary states of consciousness.

“In my journey of understanding after my coma, Hemi-Sync potentially offered a means of inactivating the filtering function of the physical brain by globally synchronizing my neocortical electrical activity, just as my meningitis might have done, to liberate my out-of-body consciousness. I believe Hemi-Sync has enabled me to return to a realm similar to that which I visited deep in coma, but without having to be deathly ill... to use the word all-knowing feels inappropriate, because the awe and creative power I witnessed was beyond naming.”
— Eben Alexander, M.D., neurosurgeon and author of Proof of Heaven
Interested in learning more about NDEs, death, and beyond? Check out these informative books and Internet resources.