About the Institute
The Monroe Institute (MI), located in the Blue Ridge Mountains near Charlottesville, Virginia, is a nonprofit educational and research organization dedicated to the exploration of human consciousness. All of the Institute’s varied activities and resources support its vision: “The Global Awakening of Human Consciousness.” Since MI’s inception, tens of thousands of people from all over the world have participated in its experiential programs, and millions have benefited from its products and services.
Educational Programs
Founded in 1971 by Robert Monroe, a pioneer in human consciousness exploration, the Monroe Institute offers a wide variety of residential educational programs at its Virginia campus as well as at other locations in the U.S. and around the world. U.S. and international outreach programs also provide participants with opportunities to engage in their own personal exploration in expanded states of consciousness. The Expand app offers a wide range of opportunities to explore, learn, and connect with others. MI does not promote any particular belief system or doctrine and asks only that participants be willing to consider that they are more than their physical bodies.
“The depth of learning is in direct relation to the intensity of the experience.”
— Robert Monroe, Founder of the Monroe Institute
Hemi-Sync® Audio Technology
An integral part of both the residential and outreach programs is the use of Hemi-Sync®, a powerful audio-guidance technology which facilitates the attainment, exploration, and practical application of expanded states of consciousness. Developed and patented by Robert Monroe, Hemi-Sync® enables a person to experience within 5-7 minutes expanded and transcendent states that generally require 20+ years of dedicated meditative practice to realize.
The Monroe Institute has a long history of research in the multidimensional field of human consciousness. The Institute is devoted to “the premise that focused consciousness contains definitive solutions to the major issues of human experience and a greater understanding of such consciousness can be achieved through coordinated research efforts using an interdisciplinary approach. The results of such research efforts are meaningful only if there are practical applications — something of value for our contemporary culture. As a nonprofit educational and research organization dedicated to the exploration of human consciousness, the Institute proposes to introduce, at all levels of human endeavor, abilities that will constructively change humankind’s direction and destiny.”
.MI’s Vision
“The Global Awakening of Human Consciousness” expresses Robert Monroe’s conviction that humankind is on the brink of a quantum leap in consciousness.
The Monroe Institute
Visit the Monroe Institute website
Discount for Exploring Consciousness Graduates
All Exploring Consciousness graduates receive a $200 discount on a Monroe Institute residential program at the main campus located near Charlottesville, Virginia.

The Nancy Penn Residential Training Center

The Nancy Penn Center, David Francis Hall, and the Research Lab

Roberts Mountain Retreat Center (formerly the Monroes’ home)

A CHEC Unit (Controlled Holistic Environmental Chamber) serving as both a bed and an isolation booth for audio exercises

Crystal on Monroe’s main campus

View from the Nancy Penn Center veranda