We’re excited and grateful to be able to offer this Hemi-Sync® workshop
Why? Because we know from our own personal experiences how much easier and enjoyable life can be when one understands and works with the Law of Attraction. Over many years we’ve benefited immensely in every aspect of our lives, including relationships, livelihood, prosperity, learning opportunities, and overall sense of well-being.
We’re always delighted, of course, to see our dreams physically manifested, but even more exciting is being aware of the steady stream of evidence that many other desires are in the process of being realized. Having “just the right” person, resource, communication, event, or opportunity come into our lives at “just the right” time is so uplifting and inspiring. Synchronicity is truly a beautiful experience.
All of us are supported by the Universe, and when we open to being in the flow of well-being and abundance, life becomes easier, more satisfying, and joyful. At the center of the Abraham teachings are several simple concepts: the basis of life is freedom, the result of life is expansion, and the purpose of life is joy.
If your current life experience is not as you desire, then you have been creating by default which is what most people do. You can, however, easily begin to consciously and deliberately create a new reality for yourself—starting from where you are right now.
We very much enjoy sharing these insights and practical strategies with others in our workshops and then hearing their success stories. We’d love to have you join us for our next workshop!
The Law of Attraction
The Law of Attraction, which is the most powerful law in the universe, says “That which is like unto itself is drawn.” We live in a vibrational universe where everything, including our thoughts, are vibrations. Whatever we are giving our attention to or thinking about—whether or not it is something we wish to have in our experience—is drawn to us.
The Law of Attraction Workshop
In the workshop you will:
- Understand the Law of Attraction and how it impacts all areas of your life.
- Learn how to begin living your life consciously to create the reality you desire.
- Apply simple, yet powerful processes to begin attracting into your life that which you desire.
- Experience Hemi-Sync® audio technology as a powerful tool to enhance your ability to manifest.
- Gain a heightened sense of self-empowerment, freedom, and confidence to create your desired life.
This interactive one-day workshop features short presentations, video clips, Hemi-Sync® audio exercises, activities, discussions, and individual application sessions. You will empower yourself by understanding the key concepts of the universal Law of Attraction and by learning simple, yet powerful processes and techniques to immediately begin transforming your life.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Who are Esther Hicks and Abraham?
A: Esther Hicks receives blocks of non-physical thought from Abraham, a collective consciousness, which she then voices in English. Esther has conducted dozens of seminars each year since 1986. Her husband Jerry worked with her until his transition in 2011. This KeyQuest workshop is based on the Abraham teachings, and we would like to express our deep appreciation to Esther, Jerry, and Abraham for their work.
Q: Is there any religious aspect to this workshop?
A: No. The Law of Attraction workshop would perhaps best be characterized as “practical spirituality.” We are all non-physical (i.e., spiritual) beings having an Earth life experience as physical beings. Once we accept that we are essentially vibrational in nature, we can benefit from an understanding of the universal Law of Attraction and how it works. You can decide what you wish to bring into your own life experience. During the workshop you will be encouraged to focus on the issues which are important for you and to interpret your experiences in whatever way is meaningful for you.
Q: Are there any prerequisites for the workshop?
A: You will derive the greatest benefit from the workshop if (1) you believe that you are more than your physical body and (2) you are ready to begin deliberately creating the life experience you desire.
Q: I’ve already read some of the Abraham-Hicks books. Would this workshop be of benefit for me?
A: This KeyQuest workshop is designed for those who are new to the Law of Attraction or who desire a refresher. If you have attracted into your experience these words you are now reading, the workshop may well be appropriate for you at this time. Check in with your Guidance and decide for yourself. Participants who have attended Abraham–Hicks seminars find our workshop offers them an uplifting and enjoyable opportunity to review key concepts and processes, to experience Hemi-Sync® audio technology as a powerful tool, to meet others interested in consciously creating their life experiences, and to remind themselves of how enjoyable and fulfilling life can be.
Q: What is Hemi-Sync®?
A: Hemi-Sync® is a powerful audio-guidance technology which has been effectively and safely used for over 40 years for both consciousness exploration and everyday applications. In the Law of Attraction workshop you will experience Hemi-Sync® as an effective tool for helping you to easily move into a relaxed and balanced state of allowing—an essential condition for creating your desired reality.
Register for the Law of Attraction Workshop
Recent Law of Attraction Participants Share Their Experience
“My husband, Greg, and I recently attended a workshop held at Ellen and Tip’s lovely home in Floyd County, Virginia. We were made to feel right at home as soon as we walked in the door. Ellen and Tip co-led the Law of Attraction workshop, and we were very impressed by how easily and naturally they shifted from one leader to the other. It was clear that they had had years of experience in doing similar work. They made the Law of Attraction interesting, informative, and fun. Both Greg and I learned a lot and felt it benefited us on all levels—body, mind, and spirit.
Prior to the workshop, I had been struggling with deciding which vehicle I would buy with the money I had recently received from the sale of some property I owned. As I planned on keeping the car for many years, this was a major decision for me. I had done a lot of research about a Honda Crosstour and a BMW Gran Tourismo and had found two cars that met my criteria. They were both 4WD, higher off the ground than an average car, looked like sports cars rather than SUVs, were the silver exterior and black interior I wanted, had all the “bells and whistles” that I desired, and they were within my price range. I just could not make a final decision between them so I thought about these two cars during one of our exercises at the workshop and asked for guidance.
After returning home, I decided to clean off a stack of papers that had been accumulating on my desk. Buried within the stack I found a brochure on the Honda Crosstour that I had been given a few years ago when I was doing some preliminary shopping. My plan had been to buy a new car when I sold some property, but since it had taken three years for the property to sell, the brochure was for a 2013 Honda Crosstour, and it was now 2016. I also had not made as much on the sale as I had originally hoped. I had only $25,000 to spend on my car instead of $30,000. This was my first message from Spirit.
A day or two later, I was sorting through a stack of storyboards I had done on things I wanted to bring into my life. I found the one I had done in 2013 and pasted on it was the 2013 Honda Crosstour I had cut out of the same brochure three years ago. This was my second message.
Then I called a mechanic who specializes on BMWs and explained to him the choice I was trying to make. Surprisingly, he told me to buy the Honda Crosstour because it would be much less expensive to maintain than the used BMW would be. This was the third message I had received since the Law of Attraction workshop to purchase the Honda Crosstour over the BMW.
The Honda Crosstour I purchased a week later was a 2013 model, and I was able to get the price down to $25,000! I am so happy with my new-to-me car. I know that the Law of Attraction workshop helped me make this major decision. I’m sure I can use what I learned to manifest this car towards manifesting other tangible and intangible things in the future. Thank you Ellen and Tip for giving me such a useful tool for both now and the future.
I would highly recommend this workshop and these wonderful facilitators to whomever wants to attract something special into their life.”
— Valerie Rider
What Are Law of Attraction Participants Saying?

“I enjoyed the Law of Attraction workshop immensely. Tip and Ellen presented the material extremely well and were fabulous hosts. Looking forward to attending another of their workshops soon.”
— Charmaine, Winston-Salem, NC
“I am still processing all of the information and sensations that I experienced yesterday. I have read a few books on the law of attraction so attending your in-house session was really so much more interactive. You both did an amazing and professional job in presenting the material. I was so comfortable out in the quiet country setting. It was perfect! It was heartwarming to see the love between you. I have a calm peace inside me, and I am no longer paddling upstream to obtain my needs in life!”
— Sharon
“This workshop was everything we expected and much more! We gained great insight into how powerful our thoughts and desires can be in everyday life and have used those insights to create specific changes in our thought process. The facilitators were very organized and knowledgeable.”
— VWB and HB, VA
Quotes from Abraham
- “Even though it may seem odd to you at first, it will be helpful for you to begin to accept yourself as a Vibrational Being, for this is a Vibrational Universe in which you are living, and the Laws that govern this Universe are Vibrationally based.”
- “Whatever you are giving your attention to causes you to emit a vibration, and the vibrations that you offer equal your asking, which equals your point of attraction.”
- “[Y]ou draw to you the essence of whatever you are predominantly thinking about. So if you are predominantly thinking about things you desire, your life experience reflects those things.”
- “Nothing can occur in your life experience without your invitation of it through your thought.”
- “When your thoughts are a vibrational match to your desire, you feel good....”
- “There is only a Stream of Well-Being that flows. You can allow it or resist it, but it flows just the same.”
Source: Ask and It Is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks
Interested in learning more about the Law of Attraction, creating your own reality, and the Abraham teachings? Check out these informative books and Internet resources.