Together we're all standing at the threshold of a pivotal time in human and planetary history. We're facing many complex and interrelated crises which demand that we change and that we do it now for the highest good of the planet and humankind. Indeed, if we are to survive, we must choose to evolve — to awaken to our true essence, inner purpose, and full potential.
At KeyQuest, our mission is to accelerate the evolution of global consciousness through education, inspiration, resources, and community that support and enhance the personal exploration and evolution of consciousness. Our highly experiential Hemi-Sync® workshops offer you the context, opportunities, and tools to facilitate the process of personal transformation.
We look forward to seeing you soon!
— Ellen Jones-Walker & Tip Walker

Have you had an "exceptional human experience" (EHE)?
You’re not alone. An estimated 60% of Americans have had EHEs — synchronicities, premonitions, intuitive flashes, out-of-body experiences (OBEs), near-death experiences (NDEs), angelic encounters, sensing the presence of a non-physical being, etc. For most of us, these moments are transformative. They challenge and alter our belief systems, expand our perception of reality, and change our relationship with others. We experience ever greater meaning and purpose in our lives, positively impacting the world around us. And, as we continue to process and integrate our EHEs, our consciousness evolves.
Do you find you're asking the "big" questions?

Who am I?
Why am I here? What is my purpose?
Am I more than my physical body? How much more?
What happens when I die?
Why is my life filled with so many challenges?
Do you feel you're not realizing your full potential?

Have you had transformative experiences (EHEs) which leave you wondering about your true, multi-dimensional nature?
Would you like to access and benefit from other aspects of yourself?
Do you have the sense that you have available to you—but seemingly just out of reach—many untapped capabilities and resources that would make your life so much richer, more meaningful, and beautiful?
Are you ready to begin realizing more of who you really are?
Are you concerned about global chaos and suffering?

Would you like to play an important role in creating a beautiful and peaceful world for all? Then why not start now? It really starts with each of us...
Are you interested in spiritual exploration and consciousness evolution?

Have you been on a "spiritual path" for a while but feel you need to be "revitalized"? Have you become interested in spiritual matters and would like a jump-start on your own personal path?
If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, we invite you to explore our website, to check out the resources, and to join us for one of our workshops. We provide the context, opportunities, tools, and community to support your own personal exploration and evolution of consciousness.
Law of Attraction (Online)
What are you waiting for? Empower yourself by understanding the key concepts of the Law of Attraction and by learning simple, yet powerful processes and techniques to begin to deliberately create the life you desire. Join us for our 2.5-day live online program hosted by the Monroe Institute Jan. 31-Feb. 2, 2025. View program details.
Gateway Voyage® (Online)
Embark on a transformational voyage of self-discovery as you easily access and explore nonphysical dimensions of yourself. Deepen your understanding of the nature of reality and tap your hidden potential. Join us for this live online, highly experiential Monroe Institute program, Feb. 14-16 & Feb. 21-23, 2025 (two consecutive Friday-Sundays). View program details.
The Power of Hemi-Sync®
Hemi-Sync® binaural beat technology allows you to easily access and hold specific states of consciousness for extended periods of time. Realize within minutes expanded states that generally require many years of meditative practice to achieve. Experience the power of Hemi-Sync® both for consciousness exploration and everyday applications. Read what Proof of Heaven author Eben Alexander, M.D., says about Hemi-Sync®....
The Monroe Institute
The Monroe Institute, an educational and research institute dedicated to the exploration of human consciousness, has as its vision "The Global Awakening of Human Consciousness," expressing Robert Monroe’s conviction that humankind is on the brink of a quantum leap in consciousness. Expand your own consciousness and learn valuable tools for everyday application in Monroe Institute Exploring Consciousness workshops close to home.
Hemi-Sync® Workshops
Exploring in expanded states of consciousness, calming mind and body, slowing the aging process, healing, improving sleep, and more.... Browse our workshop descriptions to see which ones are "right" for you.
Interested in consciousness, out-of-body experiences, remote viewing, near-death experiences, energy healing, manifestation, and related topics? Visit our Resources section for books and Internet resources.